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Ramadhan 2012

Assalamualaikum and Happy Ramadhan to everyone :) 

Today is a second of Ramadhan so I hope everyone in good condition . Since Ramadhan is the special month of among the rest so I hope everyone able to get the fadhilat of bulan ramadhan . Ramadhan provides us a chance to get rid of sins and to become closer to Allah. I wish you all the days of Ramadan with great peace and prayers. To those who fasting with family make sure help your parents or family prepare food for berbuka and also  solat terawikh with your family . I just want to share for those who are not able to fasting because some reason ehemmm... So why not you serve food for your family but need to be ikhlas tau :) May ALLAH give you pahala same as those who are fasting . 

"Sesiapa yang menyediakan makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa, baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala bagi orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa itu)." (HR Al-Baihaqi & Ibn Khuzaimah) 

till then , thanks for reading 
Happy Ramadhan everyone :)