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Internship day and Routine Day

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone out THERE :)

For such a long time I didn't update any post :(  Do you know why ?
Now I have been attach to a company for my internship ...
My journey to the company like 1 hour plus so it was tired :(
Here is my routine :)
5.30 AM : Wake up
5.40 AM : Bathe
6.00 AM : Subuh prayer
6.15 AM : Start to apply skin care on my face and choose which tudung to wear
6.30 AM : Start to go Interchange
6.40 AM : Buy breakfast
7.00 AM : Start Q to take buw ( usually the Q damn long )
7.15 AM : Sit inside the bus and start to sleep hehe ... My journey around 1 hour
8.15 AM : Alight at bus stop waiting for another bus usually this bus damn slow and it make me feel like want to pee ( muka ketat je time tuh )
8.40 AM : Reach Office ( I'm late ... supposedly  to reach office at 8.30 AM)
9.00 AM : Eat my breakfast that I bought
9.30 AM : Start to yawning because all the files infront of me I need to settle it and total 16 files :( All the files incomplete and it will make me want to tear all the paper over there
10.30 AM : Take a break for 15 minutes to do Solat Dhuha
10.50 AM : Start my work on all the files
12.00 PM : Start to take a nap ( Im not going for lunch )
1.15 PM   : Solat Zohor
1.30 PM   : Start to stare on the files , Meanwhile play my favorite game which is The Sims FREE
2.15 PM : Start to complete the files .. For now I'm completed the August Files :)
3.40 PM : Start to sleep while waiting Asar
4.15 PM : Solat Asar
4.30 PM : Start to walk around the company hehe to meet handsome guy but still can't find :(
5.00 PM : Sit inside office meanwhile pack my things hehe get ready to go home
5.30 PM : Run to the lift hehe
5.40 PM : Take bus to go another bus stop and this bus super slow
5.48 PM : Stand inside bus and waiting to alight after 3 bus stop . Meanwhile I will continue play The Sims
6.00 PM : Alight at the busiest bus stop ever
6.08 PM : Take the superhero bus to go straight to my house which is Woodland :) ( macam Alice in wonderland kan nama dia hehe tak sama ke ? ohhh )
7.10 PM : Reach Interchange
7.12 PM : Buy dinner
7.20 PM : Take any bus to go to my house hehe .... usually I will just wait any bus ..
7.30 PM : Reach Home :) wahhhh
7.40 PM : Bathe
7.50 PM : Solat Maghrib , Recite Quran
8.10 PM : Solat Isyak
8.20 PM : Dinner time
9.00 PM : Check my little humble business website and also FB ... Check the order and also check all my stocks :)
11.30 PM : Brush my teeth and drink mineral water
11.40 PM :  Sleepy beauty

On my Way to go work early in the morning :) 

Salam Lebaran 2012

Asslamualaikum and Hello :)

I hope I'm not late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin . This entry special for Muslim that celebrate Hari Raya  . We still in Syawal right now so I guess u alls still beraya :) I just want share with u alls my raya . For this year yah it's totally different as compare to previous u know why ? Since I'm not schooling anymore I didn't get much duit raya ( sedih ) . I think 2 more years it's my turn to give them duit raya . Last time I collect money now I give money haha -.- can I be a small kids forever ? May I ? 
haha ( dah start merepek ) .  As usual when Haro Raya come my family will balik kampung . Our Kampung at Bakri,Muar . 
So we will travel from Singapore to Muar :) I'm so lucky because I still have kampung alhamdulillah . If not my Raya will be bosan
Here I attach some pictures during Hari Raya . Enjoy it babe :) 

Yeah now I'm the tallest girl :) haha 

till then :) 

Ramadhan 2012

Assalamualaikum and Happy Ramadhan to everyone :) 

Today is a second of Ramadhan so I hope everyone in good condition . Since Ramadhan is the special month of among the rest so I hope everyone able to get the fadhilat of bulan ramadhan . Ramadhan provides us a chance to get rid of sins and to become closer to Allah. I wish you all the days of Ramadan with great peace and prayers. To those who fasting with family make sure help your parents or family prepare food for berbuka and also  solat terawikh with your family . I just want to share for those who are not able to fasting because some reason ehemmm... So why not you serve food for your family but need to be ikhlas tau :) May ALLAH give you pahala same as those who are fasting . 

"Sesiapa yang menyediakan makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa, baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala bagi orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa itu)." (HR Al-Baihaqi & Ibn Khuzaimah) 

till then , thanks for reading 
Happy Ramadhan everyone :) 

Peaceful place

Assalamualaikum and Happy Holiday to everyone ,

I'm sure all of us love to go beach . Same as me too but for me
I love to take picture of the scenery  . Last week I went  Desaru it's just near to Singapore
total of our journey from singapore to desaru only take 2 hour in total .
Once I reached there it's so sunny a lot of people on that day I think because I came during school holiday .

It's going to be rain :( Now need to go home already it's not advisable to play around or take picture . Lighting everywhere -.-

For right now I'm busy with my final project and also my upcoming test  . So tired seriously :(
that's why I rarely update my blog so sorry :(

I did my final project at NUS (NATIONAL UNIVERSITY SINGAPORE) is it necessary for me to capslock haha okay saje je tuh nak capslock .

till then ,

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day lovely :))


Assaalamualaikum and Happy weekend ;)

For such a long time I didn't update my blog , it's just because I'm so busy since I started my class .
Last 2 weeks I volunteered for Marathon 350 at Marina Bay .
This is my first time  actually so I gain a lot of experienced . But seriously it's tested my patience
I stay awake from 11 PM until 11 AM ( the next day ) .So tired seriously some more the next day I got class
So let's we see all the pictures that I have been attached  :))

                                                    I received my card and volunteered shirt :)
                                                   See ! here where I need to take care of

                                                  Early in the morning ;)) I think at 5 am
                                                At 7 AM already :) This for 10 km batch I think so

btw why is it so Marathon 350 ?? is just because we need to reduce our carbon dioxide level to 350 ppm . So start from not let's we reduce carbon dioxide so we can save our earth too :))

Okay I'm going to sleep :)) Since tomorrow I got class .

till then :)
With Love from AS


sharing is caring

Assalamualaikum and Good morning babess :))

Fuhh tired ! damn tired :O I just went back from gym and what is the great news
I want to share with all of you ??

Today I achieved burnt 1200 calories :)) I took 2hour including break for 15 minutes .

Syukur to ALLAH cause give me strength today . So if you guys out there want to slim down
or just wanna be healthy I suggest you alls do some exercise at least 4 times per week .
Spend for at least 30 minutes per day . It's only 30 minutes !!!

Gym is not only for those who big in size or obesity but it's for ALL .
So for those whose have ideal body weight or ideal body figure
you still need to maintain .Exercise not only for reduce your weight
but it's also for our healthy too :)

till then with a lots of LOVE
from AS :)

Assalamualaikum :)


Assalamualaikum and Hello :)

How was your day ? Good ,bad or can lah hehe . Langit tak selalu cerah kan okay sudah start merepek.
F.Y.P what's that ? FYP stand for Final Year Project . For this entry I want to express my feeling to everyone .

So for upcoming sem I will start my FYP actually dah start pun yesterday hehe our first meeting . 
For our first meeting everything under control hehe . Our adviser quite nice so I hope he will give us guidance to complete our project :) 

So far I done my research about Bio Char . Did you guys hear that before ? okay fine it's not a popular issue rite hahah .

My hope I can face through everything to complete this project with my team mates . I really hopes ALLAH will give me strength to face it . 

I believe my parents will support me and they will give me motivation . I LOVE them :) 

Lastly but not least I just want to say I feel so tired right now because I think to much about it :( 

I wanna my holiday MORE MORE MORE . Bila sudah start holiday nak start sekolah balik memang susah macam dalam badan ada gajah je kan haha :)  tapi if tak complete this final Project tak graduate pula.

My mom always said  " perkara ini bersifat sementara " . So I believe that this project will end soon .

My school will start on this 17 APRIL * start crying :'(  I wanna stay at home !!!

                                                                  This is Bio Char :)) black earthhh 

till then :)) 

Good night and Assalamualaikum . 

From : AS