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Who say??

Last week is the worst date how about this week.Today we don't have date :) nice rite .
yaa ofc nice  to me -.- it seems like we will not quarreled between each other but,.....
 ya we still quarreled cause of why ?? him or me :o actually i don't want point to who 
but for me both . This thing happen cause both don't have understanding . 
yah I admit both of we didn't understand each other in this part . 
what part? the part when I ask him to sleep cause of  fatiguing but 
he still persisting don't want to take a rest I mean sleep.
He keep texting me.End up he sleep around 12.30 p.m until 8.45 p.m how long is it?
 when I sulking he will say I need to understand blablabla.... 
who say i don't undrstnd If not I didn't ask him to take a rest earlier .
 I also don't know how to say .